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Comparing Sleep Aids: Why CBD Might Be the Safer, Smarter Choice

Written By Adrian Crawford Oct 29th 2024
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 Ten years ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared sleep deprivation a "public health epidemic." Their research highlighted the potentially detrimental consequences of too little sleep and poor sleep quality.1 Despite ongoing efforts to address the issue, the statistics have remained relatively unchanged. Most U.S. adults still aren't getting the sleep they need for optimal health. 

Researchers have, however, observed a dramatic increase in public awareness. Although the use of prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids initially increased in the years after the CDC released its report, recent data now shows a sharp decline in their use – statistics suggesting growing consumer concerns about their risks.2 After comparing prescription and over-the-counter medications to several alternatives, you'll see why CBD might be the safer, smarter choice. 

Understanding the Different Types of Sleep Aids  

Physicians often prefer identifying the underlying cause of sleep difficulties before prescribing sleep medication, recommending over-the-counter treatments, or answering questions about natural alternatives. Most consider their patient's medical history, perform a physical exam, and address the possibility of sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, depression, and other treatable causes of sleeplessness before recommending the following sleep aids for short-term use. 

Prescription Sleep Medications  

Prescription medications undergo rigorous testing prior to FDA approval. Some block the production of chemicals in the brain linked to alertness (orexin receptor agonists); others reduce brain activity and have a sedating effect (benzodiazepines & Z drugs). Antipsychotic and anticonvulsant medications known to cause drowsiness can also be prescribed for "off-label" use, but there's less data available about their efficacy and safety when used for improving sleep onset, duration, or overall quality.4   

Over-the-Counter Sleep Aids  

Over-the-counter sleep aids don't undergo the same level of FDA scrutiny as their prescription counterparts but are required to meet specific regulatory standards prior to approval. Some OTC products marketed as sleep aids owe their sedating properties to antihistamines like diphenhydramine or doxylamine – the same active ingredient in allergy medications like Benadryl and Zyrtec, others promote rest and relaxation by utilizing a synthetic version of the sleep hormone melatonin.5 

Natural Sleep Aids  

Sleep-deprived adults concerned about the risks associated with pharmaceutical sleep aids often turn to natural, plant-based alternatives like chamomile, valerian root, passionflower, or ashwagandha to improve sleep. Chamomile gets its sleep-promoting potential from the relaxing effects of the antioxidant apigenin. Valerian root, passionflower, and ashwagandha, on the other hand, are shown to influence the availability and efficacy of serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),6,7 neurotransmitters also impacted by CBD. 

Topic Overview: How CBD Compares to Commonly Used Sleep Aids  

CBD (cannabidiol) is a pleiotropic plant element that interacts with at least 65 molecular targets in the human body.8 The cannabinoid is shown to activate GABA and serotonin system receptors, increase dopamine and adenosine levels, and also interact with CB1 and CB2.9

Serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and adenosine are neurotransmitters that assert their influence over multiple aspects of your sleep-wake cycles. CB1 and CB2 are endocannabinoid system (ECS) receptors. Most cannabis researchers believe supporting ECS function with CBD promotes homeostasis – a mechanism of action suggesting a diverse list of possible benefits for overall health and well-being – influences that can have a significant impact on how you feel in the morning.10  

Product Efficacy: What the Research Shows  

According to a 2019 CBDistillery® survey of 1,900 customers, most CBD users report positive results using hemp-derived CBD products for relaxation, mild or temporary anxiety, discomfort after physical activity, better sleep, and more. Although hemp-derived CBD is not a "sleep aid," the positive results reported by our survey respondents are backed by a considerable amount of research. 

During a two-year study, for example, researchers reported "clinically significant" benefits for sleep quality,11 and a report published in The Journal of Cannabis Research suggests a positive influence on sleep duration.12 CBD's "calming" effect has also been credited for overall sleep score improvements. 13   

Safety Profiles: Comparing CBD to Prescription Medications 

Benzodiazepine, one of the most commonly used sleep medications, can be addictive. Although many people use the drug safely, its effectiveness diminishes over time. Newer "Z drugs" have a lower risk of side effects like nightmares, shaking, or daytime grogginess but can cause "complex sleep behaviors" like walking, eating, and driving while not fully conscious and uncomfortable hangover-like symptoms.14,15 

Hemp-derived CBD, on the other hand, is generally well-tolerated and safe for most adults. In a report submitted by the World Health Organization, the agency found "no evidence of public health-related problems" with consistent use.16 CBD can, however, interact with OTC and prescription medications.   

Habit-Forming Potential: Comparing CBD to OTC Sleep Aids  

Over-the-counter sleep aids are less likely to be habit-forming than prescription medications. Although most sources confirm that antihistamine-based options are safe when used as directed, people can develop a tolerance to the sedative effects of diphenhydramine and doxylamine over time. As tolerance increases, more of the drug is needed for sleep support, which increases the risk of overdose.17  

Even in unrealistically large amounts, CBD does not initiate the type of dopamine response associated with substances causing dependence, addiction, or accidental overdose. A report published in the Journal of Alcohol Dependence confirms that CBD is no more habit-forming than a placebo.18 

Side Effects: Comparing CBD to Natural Sleep Aids  

Anything you put into your body has the potential to cause side effects. Chamomile can be especially problematic for anyone with ragweed allergies or hormone-sensitive conditions.19 Passionflower can cause loss of coordination, and valerian root can cause heart palpitations.20,21 Most sources suggest limiting ashwagandha use to no more than 3 months until researchers confirm its long-term safety.22 

The scientific community has been investigating the effects of CBD for decades. Today, we know the cannabinoid poses an impressively low risk of causing mild side effects, which can include dry mouth, fatigue, digestive upset, or changes in appetite.23 Most symptoms tend to resolve with smaller servings. 

Shopping Smarter: Choosing the Best CBD Products for Optimal Sleep Support  

The best CBD for sleep support is the product you're comfortable using. Although the FDA requires all ingredients to be included on product packaging, purity, potency, and overall quality can vary by brand. You can significantly increase your odds of a favorable outcome by sticking with reputable, industry-leading manufacturers relying on third-party batch testing to verify consistent potency and screen their samples for heavy metals, pesticides, extraction residue, and other potentially harmful substances. 

Before committing to a purchase, it's essential to verify that each and every product labeled as third-party tested is backed by a certificate of analysis (COA). If you can't find a COA, shop elsewhere. As it stands, only 13% of CBD brands test at least 90% of their products.24 Once you've verified that you've found a reputable manufacturer committed to customer safety and consumer satisfaction, consider narrowing your options using the following product descriptions. 

CBD Oil Tinctures  

CBD oil tinctures are made with hemp flower extract and a carrier oil. The convenient dropper makes it easy to add a serving to a relaxing cup of tea or a snack about an hour or so before bed. For fuss-free administration, hold the oil beneath your tongue for 45-60 seconds, then swallow. 

CBD Softgels & Gummies  

CBD softgels and CBD gummies give you a precise, pre-measured amount of CBD in every serving. They're also more discrete and portable than tinctures. Once you know how long it usually takes for your system to respond, you can time it so their effects peak when you're ready to turn in for the night. 

CBD Topicals  

When discomfort after physical activity or stress-induced muscle tension keep you awake, reach for a CBD topical for fast-acting targeted relief. They can be used on their own or combined with CBD oil tinctures, gummies, and softgels because cannabinoids applied externally don't reach your bloodstream. 

Could CBD Be the Safer, Smarter Choice for Supporting Your Sleep Needs? 

Sleep difficulties can be a sign of an underlying health concern, a side effect of several types of medication, or a consequence of stress, anxiety, changes in routine, or poor sleep hygiene. Regardless of the cause, the short-term effects and long-term consequences of too little sleep and poor sleep quality are cumulative. If you're concerned about the risks of trying to get back on track with prescription medication, OTC sleep aids, or supplements, try adding CBD to your nightly routine. 

When you choose CBDistillery® products, you can shop with confidence. Our hemp-derived CBD oil tinctures, topicals, softgels, and gummies are rigorously tested, made with 100% clean ingredients, and every product label has a QR code linked to a certificate of analysis.   

If you're intrigued by the differences between CBD and some of today's most commonly used sleep aids but not quite sure where to begin, visit CBDistillery® to request a personal consultation. Most of our 1,900 survey respondents report achieving positive results within 7-14 days of consistent use. 


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