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Stress Management: The Most Underrated Health Hack (That’s Easier Done than Said)

Written By Emily Loss Oct 24th 2024
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We’ve all heard it before: "You must get your stress under control, and you’ll feel better!” But what an elusive concept when everything that you’re stressed about feels out of your control! 

Stress management really is crucial, however, if you want to be able to show up as your best self each day and not feel run-down, overwhelmed and anxious. Even more importantly, getting control over your stress has the potential to greatly increase the healthy years of your lifespan.   

But here’s an underrated health hack for you: regular meditation can change the structure of your brain! 

Studies have shown that certain areas of the brain, like the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, undergo significant changes with consistent meditation practice. This can lead to enhanced cognitive function, emotional regulation, and stress resilience. 

In fact, long-term practitioners of meditation have brains that, on average, look 7.5 years younger than people who don’t meditate, according to a 2016 study by the Department of Neurology at the University of California Los Angeles.

Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone” and can have negative impacts if levels stay elevated. 

Signs of high cortisol include: 

  • Fatigue & difficulty sleeping 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Headaches 

  • Anxiety & irritability 

  • Weight gain around the midsection 

Reducing cortisol through lifestyle changes like exercise, meditation, and healthy eating is important, but supplementing with Omega-3 can also seriously help! 
Research shows that Omega-3s can reduce cortisol levels. A 2021 study found that Omega-3 supplements lowered cortisol levels by a whopping 19% in mid-life adults.1 In other research, Omega-3s from fish oil helped reduce cortisol and perceived stress in recovering alcoholics.2 
Another simple concept that many forget when it comes to stress management is just taking some time to chill! In our hustle-and-bustle society, we sometimes forget that this is such an important concept, and that downtime is a necessary part of life. 

Science shows it helps us to be healthier, more focused, more productive and more creative. Yet somehow we often lose sight of this. 
Well-established research has shown that low-level daily stress can create such intense wear and tear on our body’s physiological systems that we see accelerated aging in our cells. 
Studies have also shown the many benefits of resting, even briefly, for brain health. 
Short pauses — whether you take a few breaths before entering a room or walk through the woods for 10 minutes — can lead to necessary self-reflection. 
A 2022 meta-analysis published in the journal PLOS One examined how “micro-breaks” can affect well-being. The review found that breaks as short as 10 minutes can boost vigor and reduce fatigue.3 

Still need a little extra help? This is where CBD comes in. Our bodies are built for CBD! When we supplement our endocannabinoid system (the master regulator of homeostasis) with CBD, we are allowing our body to enter rest and digest, rather than being in a constant state of fight or flight! 

Key Takeaways for Stress Management: 

  • Supplement with CBD 
  • Supplement with Omega-3s 

  • Meditate/Breath work 

  • Take time to rest 


  1. Madison AA, Belury MA, Andridge R, Renna ME, Rosie Shrout M, Malarkey WB, Lin J, Epel ES, Kiecolt-Glaser JK. Omega-3 supplementation and stress reactivity of cellular aging biomarkers: an ancillary substudy of a randomized, controlled trial in midlife adults. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 

  1. Barbadoro P, Annino I, Ponzio E, Romanelli RM, D’Errico MM, Prospero E, Minelli A. Fish oil supplementation reduces cortisol basal levels and perceived stress: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in abstinent alcoholics. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2013  

  1. Albulescu P, Macsinga I, Rusu A, Sulea C, Bodnaru A, Tulbure BT. “Give me a break!” A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of micro-breaks for increasing well-being and performance. PLoS One. 2022