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Workplace Wellness: How CBD Could Help Improve Your Professional Life

Written By Adrian Crawford Nov 5th 2024
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The concept of workplace wellness is widely understood but rather difficult to summarize due to the diverse range of programs and policies organizations adopt to support employee health and well-being. Despite that diversity and the rise in the number of companies offering flexible scheduling, counseling services, and other initiatives intended to support mental health, workplace stress levels continue to climb. Discover how stress could negatively impact your professional life and how the stress-busting potential of CBD could help improve it. 

Before we get too deep into this piece, it’s worth remembering that you should always ensure that using cannabinoid wellness products does not conflict with your employer’s specific policies. 

Key Takeaways:  

  • Stress Negatively Impacts Workplace Performance: Elevated stress levels affect multiple aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being impacting job performance and workplace satisfaction. 

  • CBD Products Help Calm the Impact of Stress: The cannabinoid interacts with the receptors of the largest regulatory system in the human body. Researchers believe that impact supports homeostasis. 

  • There Are Three Main Types of CBD: Full spectrum CBD oil has a small amount of THC. Product manufacturers also have the option of reducing THC concentrations to non-detectable levels. 

  • Product Quality Can Vary by Brand: Reputable companies protect consumers from purchasing inferior CBD products by investing in a robust quality assurance and management program, which includes stringent third-party batch testing and providing access to a certificate of analysis.    

  • It's Easy to Add CBD to Your Routine: The CBD in hemp flower extract is used as an ingredient in an impressive number of products that make it easy to find the right fit for your needs and lifestyle. 

Exploring the Importance of Stress Management for Optimal Workplace Performance 

A stress-induced surge of cortisol and adrenaline can boost your alertness, sharpen your focus, and build confidence in your ability to rise to a challenge. Those positive attributes, however, assume your stress levels drop within a reasonable amount of time. Unrelenting workplace deadlines, office politics, organizational changes, and mandatory overtime can have the opposite effect. 

Chronically elevated stress levels could leave you feeling unfocused, overwhelmed, unmotivated, and uncharacteristically detached from a career you once enjoyed.1 You're not losing your edge – at least not in the way you might think. But those feelings shouldn't be ignored for too long. Over time, the impact of stress responses running in overdrive can cause a concerning number of complications.   

Physical Health  

When stress keeps your cortisol levels elevated, you'll probably find it difficult to relax and unwind. The stress hormone is also known to cause headaches, sleeplessness, digestive issues, physical discomfort, and frequent infections. Excess cortisol is also linked to chronic inflammation – which increases your risk of developing autoimmune dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.3

Mental Health  

Current evidence suggests elevated cortisol levels cause structural changes in the brain and modifies neuronal networks. Experts believe those changes explain the cognitive decline, emotional "dysfunction," and changes in behavior associated with chronic stress and could also be responsible for the increased risk of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and other mental health concerns.4

Job Performance  

There's a strong connection between stress and sleeplessness. When elevated cortisol levels disrupt your sleep, your brain is susceptible to a type of "network instability" that compromises several crucial aspects of executive function – including working memory, cognitive flexibility, strategic thinking, and impulse control. The impact can adversely affect focus, concentration, and workplace productivity.5 

How Cannabidiol Asserts Its Influence on Stress Responses 

CBD (cannabidiol) is a pleiotropic plant element shown to assert its influence on more than 65 molecular targets – including the receptors of the neurotransmitter credited for calming anxiety and over-active stress responses, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Although the cannabinoid also activates serotonin system receptors and increases dopamine levels,6,7 most experts believe CBD's influence on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) receptors best explains its many potential benefits for overall health and wellness. 

ECS signaling is involved in everything from sleep cycle regulation, stress responses, and emotional regulation to muscle movement and the perception of pleasure and pain. Based on decades of research, cannabis experts believe supporting ECS function with CBD promotes homeostasis8 – meaning it helps restore equilibrium when internal or external stressors threaten essential balance. According to the results of a 2019 CBDistillery® survey of 1,900 customers, most CBD users report positive effects on multiple aspects of well-being impacted by workplace stress, including the following examples.  

Calming Mild or Temporary Anxiety  

Stress and anxiety are similar but not the same. Persistent stress can, however, cause anxiety – especially when you're having difficulty maintaining perspective. Of our nearly 2,000 survey respondents, 88% say CBD helps with mild or temporary anxiety, and participants given CBD before a simulated public speaking event reported less anxiety-related distress and cognitive impairment than the control group.9 

Improving Sleep Quality 

Sleep is an essential component of stress management. Stress is a leading cause of poor sleep. It's a vicious cycle. During a small-scale study involving more than 100 participants, researchers credited CBD's "calming" effect for impressive improvements in sleep scores,10 and a similar study specified a positive impact on sleep duration.11 Most (89%) of our survey respondents also reported better sleep. 

Boosting Focus & Concentration  

Focus and concentration require multiple aspects of executive function impacted by workplace stress. Experts often recommend mindfulness meditation to restore mental clarity. A report on the positive effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programs notes an increase in anandamide and 2-AG,12 ECS messengers also impacted by CBD. 82% of our respondents prefer CBD over meditation for stress. 

Form & Function: Selecting the Right Product to Support Your Workplace Wellness Goals  

CBD is just one of more than 113 potentially beneficial cannabinoids in hemp flower. Once naturally farmed crops are harvested and dried, the cannabinoid-rich oil is extracted and used as an ingredient in an impressive number of products – CBD oil tinctures, topicals, softgels, gummies, and more. That versatility makes it easy to find the ideal fit for nearly any wellness routine. Product quality, however, can vary by brand. You need to be mindful because hemp is a well-known phytoremediator. 

That's why it's essential to stick with brands that verify the purity and potency of their hemp-derived products through third-party testing. Since only 13% of CBD companies test at least 90% of their products,13 don't rely on labels. Instead, go to the brand's website and look for a certificate of analysis (COA) – the documentation needed to confirm your buying products screened for heavy metals, extraction residue, pesticides, and microbial contamination. You'll have a much easier time deciding which COAs to look for after narrowing your options to the type of hemp extract you prefer. 

Full Spectrum  

Full spectrum hemp extract is the least processed. It gives you hemp's many minor cannabinoids and terpenes in the same ratio's nature intended, including a small amount of THC. That full array of minor cannabinoids and terpenes contribute to the potency-boosting potential of an "entourage" effect.14  

Broad Spectrum  

Broad spectrum hemp extract has many of the same additional cannabinoids and terpenes as full spectrum, but the THC is reduced to non-detectable levels (0.01% or less). Although some CBD users believe removing THC diminishes the entourage effect, others feel there's little (if any) difference.15

CBD Isolate  

CBD isolate is a flavorless, odorless powder. Products made with the highly refined form of hemp extract have 0% THC. Although you won't get the cannabinoids and terpenes needed for an entourage effect, there's no need to worry. Multiple studies detail positive results using this "pure" form of cannabidiol.16 

Practical Advice: How to Use CBD Products for Stress Management  

CBD is generally well-tolerated, safe for most adults, and poses no risk of chemical dependency. The World Health Organization found "no evidence" of public health-related problems.17 But side effects are possible. Most are generally mild and resolve with smaller serving sizes. You can, however, minimize your risk of fatigue, dry mouth, appetite changes, or digestive discomfort by disregarding the generic serving-size suggestions printed on product labels. Instead, start with a lesser amount – a partial serving. 

Starting with a partial serving is the best way to determine the smallest amount of CBD you need for the best results. If you don't get the relief you're after with your first partial serving, increase the amount of CBD you're using gradually in small increments. With so many products to choose from, it's easy to build a routine that fits your lifestyle. Feel free to use any combination of the following suggestions. 

Start Your Day with CBD  

It's easy to stay consistent when you start your day with CBD. If you take supplements, consider adding CBD softgels to your regimen. If you start your day with coffee, try stirring a CBD oil tincture into your mug. For fuss-free ECS support, hold a serving under your tongue for 45-60 seconds, then swallow.

Keep the Effects Going Strong   

Most people can expect the focus-enhancing potential of their morning CBD to last 6-8 hours. When you want to keep the effects going strong, take a few minutes to add a second serving of CBD midday. With delicious CBD Gummies, you'll get 30 premeasured servings per jar. 

Add CBD to Your Nightly Routine   

If workplace stress keeps you from getting the deep, restorative sleep you need for clarity, focus, and productivity, try adding a serving of CBD to your nightly routine. If you're also dealing with work-related, activity-induced discomfort, you could also apply a fast-acting CBD topical for targeted relief.   

Could CBD Help Support Your Workplace Wellness Goals? 

When your stress levels rise, your autonomic nervous system releases a surge of cortisol and adrenaline that flips your switch into survival mode. Although a moderate increase can temporarily boost your energy and sharpen your focus, living with too much stress for too long can put you at a professional disadvantage while also compromising your physical health and emotional well-being. 

If unresolved stress has you feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused, consider adding the stress-busting, focus-boosting, sleep-promoting potential of CBD to your daily routine. 

If you're leaning towards trying CBD but not quite sure where to begin, visit CBDistillery® to take our 3-minute CBD Product Quiz or schedule a personal consultation. CBDistillery® products are quality-assured, made with 100% clean ingredients, and backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. Every product label has a QR code linked to a downloadable certificate of analysis. 


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